By Bob Silvestri
Buffalo’s other Righteous Babe, Alison Pipitone, has released a new CD
titled Retrodyne. Combining a Replacements on estrogen swagger and a female
Jeff Tweedy songwriting perspective Pipitone has made a brilliant sounding
disc. The attention grabbing “I Don’t Remember” and the driving “Sticking
Real Good” starts the disc in fine fashion. The alt-country feel of the
title cut “Retrodyne”, the mesmerizing “Cee Cee, Sean” and “Dancing Girls
On The Tables” are standout tracks. Other tracks of note include “Long
Long Ladder”, “No More This And That” and Piptone’s take on the Rose Bond
penned “Dimestore Blues”. Musicians helping Pipitone on Retrodyne include
Patrick Shaughnessy, Holly Christiano, Jim Whitford, J.J. Moscato, Tyler
Harrington, Dave Courtemanche, Damon Pipitone, Jessica Pipitone and Pamela
Ryder. A pat on the back to David St. Onge who recorded, mixed and
mastered the disc along with Pipitone producing. For more information about
Retrodyne and Alison Pipitone check out